Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A new day, a new life!

Wull…. The results are in, yesterday afternoon I was officially diagnosed with Miniere’s Disease… I must say I’m happy to know what’s wrong with me and I look forward to fighting back!

I have a few medical problems which I’m not supposed to consume the following: red meat, poultry, carbohydrates, dairy or fatty foods. Now I get to add: caffeine, tobacco (not an issue), alcohol (again not really a problem) and sodium to my list….. In the past I haven’t been great at following all of the rules, but that’s about to change. What does this mean??? Basically it means that beginning today my lifestyle has officially changed to me being a vegan / vegetarian at least 90% of the time. I say 90% of the time because as long as I’m good the majority of the time I can let loose and splurge when I’m out with friends, dating, events, etc…

To kick it all off I’ve decided to do a cleanse. I know sooooo many people thing this is a horrible idea, however I used to do a couple every year and I always felt great. This way I can clear my body of all the stuff I’m not supposed to have and when I start to consume real live food again I’ll only crave fruits and veggies.

I’m totally going to kick this things ass…. TAKE THAT MINIERE’S!!!!


  1. Oh wow, glad you know what it is so you can take care of yourself!

  2. I'm glad too that you know what it is so you can take care of yourself. good luck on the cleanse.

  3. Hey, nice. I'm back to vegetarianism myself (not even fish *cry*). Unless the meat is caught wild or I know the animal wasn't caged and/or injected w/ hormones the entire time. Hope everything goes well for ya, Kristi, and keep me posted. P.S. I miss you.
