Monday, January 30, 2012

Craft Attempt

About a month ago I was bored and looking on KSL. when I found a great wingback chair for $15 buckaroos so of course I grabbed it. I really wanted to re-upholster it but I don’t know anything about upholstery so it’s just been sitting around in my living room. Luckily I have a great and super crafty friend Brandi Banks-Hess who I think was just as excited as I was about the chair. After a lot of searching I finally found my fabric and set a time and date with Brandi. This is the before picture.

I didn’t want to keep Brandi away from her cute family for too long while she was helping me with this project, so I spent a few hours in the evenings un-upholstering the chair prior to our date. That way we could just put it together because it’s definitely a 2 person job!

The day finally arrived. I had been researching chair upholstery on a lot of blogs beforehand the best one I found was: Because of the great tutorial they provided I won’t go into a ton of details but we basically followed all of their directions. I had cut the pattern and even labeled each piece of the old fabric so we were ready to go. Brandi and I walked to one of my favorite little spots for some dinner and catching up then it was time to get to work. First problem… The staple gun I just bought didn’t work… Good thing I had my dad’s old gun around just in case. We came up with our game plan and started pulling, folding and stapling away.

We decided that instead of sewing a cushion cover that we could go ahead and just skip that part and cover the cushion attached to the chair. It was a risk but I like the way it looks. Good thing Brandi can sew really well because I suck.. She made two sleeves for the chair shoulders/wings. There are a few flaws in the chair but I think for our first attempt we did a fantastic job!


I can’t wait to help with your chair and do my second chair (when I find it).


  1. Okay so I wouldn't call it craft attempt. I would call it craft SUCCESS! Looks great Kristi!

  2. Thanks Erin, it was so much fun!
