Tuesday, May 24, 2011

They say 1 in 5 people meet their match online. Well since I super suck at meeting people in real life I’ve decided to give this whole world of internet dating a shot. I’m not going to lie I’m extremely skeptical about it. Infact I’m pretty convinced that one of these internet weirdos will chop me up into little bits and leave my remains scattered across the valley never to be found. No joke! But I have a few friends, family and a Bishop to tell me (practically daily) how I need to get hitched. So why not put myself out there. It’s been almost 2 months since I joined this dating site, here’s what I’ve learned.

1. I hate the question “why aren’t you taken?” now if it’s a statement I don’t mind it, although I find it insainely cheesy it’s still flattering. But if it’s a question, then I hate you! Do you really want to know why I’m single? Why don’t you call every guy I’ve ever dated, I’m sure they can give you a long list of reasons!!!
a. I hangout with more guys than girls, which makes men (or rather boys) jealous.
b. I enjoy sports more than a lot of men which let’s be honest a guy really doesn’t want to date a chick who understands football better then he does.
c. I’m curvy and not the most attractive girl in the Salt Lake Valley.
d. For non-mormon guys – I’m a mormon girl.
e. To mormon guys – I wasn’t always a mormon.
f. I can be embarrasingly shy and awkward.
g. All girls are crazy
I could really keep going but you get the idea. Is that really the type of stuff you want to hear on a first date?! Let’s just throw every flaw in the world out there and let’s see if you can look past it and find something to like about me!!!
2. When a guy uses terms of endearment of the first date… Well run, he’s a creeper! Oh and listen buddy, I’m not your sweetie, babe, honey, boo or any of that crap why do you actually try remembering my name!
3. Always have a couple of ideas of things to do, because there’s a good chance you’ll meet up with someone and they’ll say: Where should we go? What should we do? Okay mr. you asked me out….. But apparently I’m now in charge of this gathering!
4. Chivalry isn’t dead but guys seems to think that if they actually open a door for you that they’re guaranteed some action… Nope!
5. I’m starting to believe guys have more self esteem issues then girls.
6. When you give a dude your phone number and he only wants to text (all day and night) without ever calling or trying to meet you… Change your number because he’s a loser and isn’t going to stop texting you even if you haven’t responded in a good 3-4 weeks.
7. The websites should only be used to “break the ice” exchange 2-3 emails then you need to talk on the phone and meet shortly there after. Otherwise you’ve created this idea of a person baised on their resume which is probably very exagerated from the truth.
8. If his occupation says “Entrepreneur” don’t be surprised when he is unemployeed and has never moved out of his parents house at age 33.

There are many other things I’ve learned but I’m all sorts of fired up just thinking of these few annoyances. So I’ll sign off for today.

To be continued…

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on #1. As a statement, it's the coolest. As a question, it's like, "What do you really want me to say here? Oh, probably for the same reason anyone is single--haven't met someone I really connect with."
