Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Loving the simple things :)

Yesterday at work I actually felt like I was contributing to my team on my own without the assistance of others. It was spectacular, however that being said I was super busy all day I had a ton of reports to run, presentations to prepare, travel arrangements to make and customer data to review. I felt rushed all day then 5pm hit, YAY free for the evening! I was so excited I knew I had sushi plans with a couple of the guys I used to work with but that wasn’t until 8pm so I had a whole 3 hours all to myself!!

Then an alarm went off on my phone…. Service dinner… My first thought was “oh S*%t I totally forgot”, my second thought was “I have to go to the store” and my third thought was “I don’t really want to go.” Such a lousy attitude I know, but I was tired. I knew that I had signed up to take chips and salsa and that only 8 people in the ward signed up to go, so I had to attend. So I hurry and ran to the store, picked up some chips, salsa and taquitos, ran home and tossed them in the oven and got myself ready (slightly). The oven timer when off just in time for me to leave.

All I knew about the service dinner was that it was at a low income housing unit, when I walked in the door I didn’t see anyone I knew (I was the first person there… Not really a surprise as I’m always early), but a really nice man in a wheelchair came right up to me with a big smile on his face and said “are you here for dinner? We’re meeting right in here.” As he pointed to a big open family style room. When I entered the room I realized that the group of people we were hanging out with were adults with minor disabilities and medical conditions. I immediately had a change of heart and was so happy to be there. This is the attitude I should have had all along. I started introducing myself to everyone that was there and helped set the tables up. They were all so excited that we were there, more of my friends started to show up and it just made it better. I was a great turn out and I’m so happy the missionaries in our area set this up. I knew I could only stay for about an hour but I tried to mingle as much as I could during my short time.

Just a little reminder that I need to step back and enjoy the simple things like new friends even if they’re “single serving” friends.

Oh and sushi with the Basic Research buddies was a hit, I miss those guys!

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