Friday, September 30, 2011

So there I was returning from lunch on a lovely Wednesday afternoon. I walked into my office building, looked towards the stairwell then I shrugged my shoulders and decided I would take the elevator since I was wearing 5 inch heels. I walked towards the 2 older women who were already waiting for the elevator. The bell went off I was slightly annoyed because this particular elevator is being remodeled, it’s torn to pieces one the inside and I think it’s ugly. But I got in and because I was near the buttons I asked my fellow passengers what floor they would like select… 4 for them and the top floor for me easy enough, the door closed and up we go.. Until we got to the 3rd floor and that’s when the adventure started. All of a sudden the elevator started to slow down then it dropped. It didn’t drop far but it dropped enough to knock us all down. I asked if everyone was okay and helped the women get to their feet. One of them (Flo) was already in tears as she is claustrophobic and already hates elevators. I assured her that everything would be okay and I reached to push the buttons. UH-OH none of them were working, so I picked up the emergency phone where I talked to the Midvale Fire Department. I explained the situation and they were on their way. We decided we should sit down and get comfy, yuck I hate the ugly, under construction elevator floor! We sat, we sat and we sat some more. Good thing I had full cell phone service and was able to find entertainment from texting and facebook. 1 ½ hours later after listening to the firemen working on the elevator trying to fix it we finally moved and the doors opened on the 2nd floor. I was happy to see that the men who had come to our rescue were little lookers which made the experience a little more fun… It was a good time and another classic Kristi moment.


  1. I chuckled when I saw this on facebook and I chuckle again as I read it here. This is a story you will tell the grandkids for sure!

  2. I'm glad I could make you chuckle not once but twice!!!
