Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Goodbye to my East Broadway Business District!

As my current time living downtown is coming to an end, it makes me think about all the little things I love and am going to miss about living in the city.

I love watching the city “wake up” when I’m leaving for work in the morning. Seeing the streets being swept, the parking meters being emptied, windows being washed all with the smell of fresh brewed coffee coming from about 90 coffee shops in the vicinity. The good people of the world taking an early morning jog. I especially love the way the sun hits the high rise buildings as I drive down 300 south.

I love my afternoon walks around the city, never knowing where I’ll end up or who I’ll meet. Some of my favorite personal moments have happened on my downtown adventures. Some of my favorite spots to visit are the Library, Liberty Park, Trolley Square, Temple Square, 9th & 9th, The State Capital and the Gateway. I love that I’m so close to so many great places.

There are so many activities especially in the summer: free concerts, gallery strolls, farmers markets, charity drives, street performers. All of them make me so happy for the most simple reasons. Plus everything is “local” yes there are chain restaurants and shops but there is a great selection of local stores and places to eat. I love finding new little nooks to fall in love with and share with my friends.

Back in my drinking days I was in bar heaven. I could walk to almost any bar and stumble home at the end of the night. Never having to battling with friends over who would be the designated driver or waiting for a cab. I never had to worry about walking home by myself at 2am the streets never got to me, in fact they embraced me.

My apartment… Oh how I love my apartment. The courtyard which my friends say makes them feel like they’re walking through and ivy league college campus, complete with old fashion street lights and a few park benches. My wall of windows overlooking the beautiful courtyard. The living room and all of its massiveness. My dining room, what apartment has a dining room and not just a breakfast nook?! I’m even going to miss my maintenance man Jim, who says I’m his favorite and will always run to assist me when something goes wrong. I’m going to miss the weird things too, like the alley cats fighting in the middle of the night. I might even miss the stupid pigeon who lives outside of my window and watches me while I do the dishes. Even pushing the gate code outside the building.

Although I’m sad to leave all of the little things I love. I’m really excited to start my new chapter of life in the burbs!

I found this a while back and have been meaning to do it. Now seems like the perfect time!

Share your neighborhood: enjoy a walk around your neighborhood, take 10-15 photos to share with people via your blog or facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting all these great pictures of downtown, It really makes me miss home! I hope you are doing well & getting into your new place nicely!
