Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mardi Gras!!

My roomie dragged me out to a Mardi Gras party the other night at the Puck… Yes folks, the Puck… Good Ole’ West Valley! A bunch of dudes he went to high school with were there and it ended up being a lot of fun. Mostly because random dudes kept giving me beads in hopes that I might show them my rack. Don’t be fooled I’m not that kind of girl, but sure I’ll take your beads! Then they kept buying me adult beverages, which I would just slide on over to the dude friends. So to the men I met thanks for getting my friends hammered and making me look like a hussy! Oh and to the Blaze 97.5 thanks for the sequin hat along with a lot of other accessories but most importantly the Motley Crue, Poison and Cheap Trick tickets oh and I can’t forget the Grizzlies tickets!


  1. lol Scooooooooore! Hahaha, awesome night. Classic Kristi!

  2. I have your blog in my list of friends but I am not sure if you even knew I had a blog. Mine is private, so if you want an invite send me an email at

  3. Well it looks like you had a good time. Even in West Valley! Is that a Yankees shirt you have on? Awesome, we are huge Yankee fans!
